mysql installation on Mac OS X
4 Simple steps to install the lastest mysql version on Mac OS X
1. Go to download the DMG installation file.
2. Install the DMG file you downloaded.
3. Open Terminal.
4. Type the following one by one in the Terminal to create symbolic links, enter password when asked.
[code language=”shell”]
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe56
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql /opt/local/bin/mysql56
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin /opt/local/bin/mysqladmin56
5. mysql installation completed.
6. To run mysql server, type the following one by one in the Terminal, enter password when asked.
[code language=”shell”]
sudo mysqld_safe56
7. To shut down the mysql server, type the following in the Termainal.
[code language=”shell”]
sudo mysqladmin56 shutdown
If you are running Mac OS X Server, a version of MySQL should already
be installed. The following table shows the versions of MySQL that ship
with Mac OS X Server versions.
*Mac OS X Version************MySQL Version*
As you can see, usually it doesn’t come with the lastest version of mysql. If you follow the installation steps above, you can install the lastest version of mysql and still keep the old version that came with your Mac OS system.
To use the old version of mysql that came with your Mac OS system, follow in steps 6 and 7, instead of mysqld_safe56, mysql56, mysqladmin56, use mysqd_safe, mysql, mysqladmin.
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