git command cheatsheet

Clone an existing repository.

git clone ""

Create a new local git repository in the directory myproj.

mkdir myproj
cd myproj
git init

Show changed files in the working directory.

git status

Show difference of tracked files.

git diff

Show the names of the changed files from between the tenth latest commit and the fifth latest

git diff --name-only HEAD~10 HEAD~5

Stash the uncommitted local changes, stack them so they will be ignored during commit or merge. This is usually used when switch between branches.

git stash

Get the local changes that were stashed before back.

git stash pop

Add file for the next commit.

git add filename1 filename2 filename3...

Add all changed file for the next commit.

git add .

Commit all the staged files which we did by git add.

git commit -m "this is a comment for this commit"

Changes the commit message from the last commit.

git commit --ammend -m "This is a new message which will replace the message committed in the last commit"

Shows all commit history for the current working branch.

git log

Shows all the commit history for the specified branchname.

git log branchname

Shows all the commit history for the specified filename.

git log -p filename

Shows who changed what and when in the specified filename.

git blame filename

Checkout out the projectOne branch from the remote and name it projectOne in your local git repository.

git checkout -b projectOne origin/projectOne

Lists all existing branches.

git branch

Change the branch name

git branch -m old-branch-name new-branch-name

Change the current working branch name

git branch -m new-branch-name

Switch the working directory to the master branch.

git checkout master

Switch the working directory to the projectOne branch.

git checkout projectOne

Create a new branch based on your current branch.

git branch "new branch name"

Push the specified branchname to the remote repository.

git push origin branchname

Deletes the specified branchname.

git branch -d branchname

Deletes the specified branchname in the remote repository, which has to be followed by detleting the local repository branch first.

git push origin :branchname

Create a tag based on the current working branch.

git tag "tagname"

Push a tag to the remote repository.

git push origin tagname

Pushes all the tags to the remote repository.

git push origin --tags

Checkout a branch from a tag.

git checkout -b mynewbranch thetagname

Deletes the specified tagname.

git tag -d tagname

Deletes the specified tagname in the remote repository, which has to be followed by deleting the local repository tag first.

git push origin :tagname

Lists remote repository addresses.

git remote -v

Shows information about the specified remote address.

git remote show

Download all changes but not merge them.

git fetch origin

Download all changes and merge them in to the current working branch.

git pull origin

Pushes the committed changed in the current working branch to the specified remote branch.

git push origin branchname

Merges the specified branchname into the current working branch.

git merge branchname

Merges the changes in the specified commit-number into the current working branch.The commit number can be from any branch.

git cherry-pick commit-hashcode

Remotes the specified filename

git rm filename

Undo the last local commit, keep the changes.

git reset --soft HEAD^

Undo the last local commit, throw away the changes.

git reset --hard HEAD^

Revert back to the specified revision#.

git reset --hard revision#

Reset username and get prompt for username and password when pushing

git config --local credential.helper ""
git push origin master

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