includeIf for creating different git identities

With the following configuration git files. when you are at any subdirectory under ~/dev/work/, the default git email account will be, any other git directory will default to

The git version has to be greater than 2.13, to check the current git version.

git version

To upgrade git using homebrew

brew upgrade git

.gitconfig, the git config file at the home directory, update it with the following.

  path = .gituser-default
[includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/work/"]
  path = .gituser-work

.gituser-default, git user config for personal account, create this file at the home directory with the following, replace with your own name and email.

	name = Amy Lee
	email =

.gituser-work, the git user config for work account, create this file at the home directory with the following, replace with your own name and

	name = Amy Lee
	email =

In order for the above configuration to work, the directory has to be initialized with git. The last command in the following commands should show the email address

cd ~/dev/work/
mkdir test
cd test
git init
touch README.txt
git config

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