Flutter dart decode and parse json to object
1. Here is a json string saved in the variable jsonData. It represents a pokemon. In this case, a Bulbasaur.
final jsonData = '{ "id": 1, "name": "Bulbasaur" }';
2. Here is a data model class for a pokemon. The constructor takes 2 parameters because id and name are the only properties. The factory function fromJson takes in a Map and converts it to an object. The toJson function converts the object to a Map.
class Pokemon { Pokemon({required this.id, required this.name}); final int id; final String name; factory Pokemon.fromJson(Mapdata) { final id = data['id'] as int; final name = data['name'] as String; return Pokemon(id: id, name: name); } Map toJson() { return { 'id': id, 'name': name, }; } @override String toString() => toJson().toString(); }
3. jsonString is the raw json string, decodedJson is the decoded json string in a map of String to dynamic, parsedJson is the final object.
import 'dart:convert'; final String jsonString = '{ "id": 1, "name": "Bulbasaur" }'; final MapdecodedJson = json.decode(jsonString); final Pokemon parsedJson = Pokemon.fromJson(decodedJson);
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