Tab navigation and drawer navigation in Flutter

In Material Design apps, there are two primary options for Flutter navigation: tabs and drawers. When there is insufficient space to support tabs, drawers provide a good alternative.

Tab navigation

Flutter provides several specialized widgets for drawer and tab navigation:

Coordinates the tab selection between a TabBar and a TabBarView.

Displays a horizontal row of tabs.

Creates a material design TabBar tab.

Displays the widget that corresponds to the currently selected tab.

class _MyAppState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  late TabController controller = TabController(length: 2, vsync: this);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TabBar(
      controller: controller,
      tabs: [
        Tab(icon: Icon(Icons.person)),
        Tab(icon: Icon(,

A TabController is required to coordinate the tab selection between a TabBar and a TabBarView. The TabController constructor length argument is the total number of tabs. A TickerProvider is required to trigger the notification whenever a frame triggers a state change. The TickerProvider is vsync. Pass the vsync: this argument to the TabController constructor whenever you create a new TabController.

The TickerProvider is an interface implemented by classes that can vend Ticker objects. Tickers can be used by any object that must be notified whenever a frame triggers, but they’re most commonly used indirectly via an AnimationController. AnimationControllers need a TickerProvider to obtain their Ticker. If you are creating an AnimationController from a State, then you can use the TickerProviderStateMixin or SingleTickerProviderStateMixin classes to obtain a suitable TickerProvider.

The Scaffold widget wraps a new TabBar widget and creates two tabs. The TabBarView widget is passed as the body parameter of the Scaffold widget. All screens corresponding to the TabBar widget’s tabs are children to the TabBarView widget along with the same TabController.

class _NavigationHomePageState extends State
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  late TabController controller = TabController(length: 2, vsync: this);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      bottomNavigationBar: Material (
        child: TabBar(
          tabs:  [
            Tab(icon: Icon(Icons.person),)
            Tab(icon: Icon(,),
          controller: controller,
      body: TabBarView(
        children:  [
        controller: controller,

Drawer navigation

In Flutter, we can use the Drawer widget in combination with a Scaffold to create a layout with a Material Design drawer. To add a Drawer to an app, wrap it in a Scaffold widget. The Scaffold widget provides a consistent visual structure to apps that follow the Material Design guidelines. It also supports special Material Design components, such as Drawers, AppBars, and SnackBars.

The Drawer widget is a Material Design panel that slides in horizontally from the edge of a Scaffold to show navigation links in an application. You can provide a ElevatedButton, a Text widget, or a list of items to display as the child to the Drawer widget. In the following example, the ListTile widget provides the navigation on tap.

  child: ListTile(
    leading: const Icon(Icons.change_history),
    title: const Text('Screen2'),
    onTap: () {
  elevation: 20.0,

The Scaffold widget also includes an AppBar widget that automatically displays an appropriate IconButton to show the Drawer when a Drawer is available in the Scaffold. The Scaffold automatically handles the edge-swipe gesture to show the Drawer.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    drawer: Drawer(
      child: ListTile(
        leading: const Icon(Icons.change_history),
        title: const Text('Screen2'),
        onTap: () {
      elevation: 20.0,
    appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Home')),
    body: Container(),

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