Java Inheritance Example
Inheritance in Java is a class can be extends from a partent class and takes the properties and functions from the parents and also be able to override them. The example here demonstrates a parent class Customer and a child class VIPCustomer. Since VIP class extends from Customer, it doesn’t have to redefine some basic prperties such as customer ID, account name, and balance. It only defines the properties unique to VIP customers, discountRate in this case.
The Customer class
public class Customer { //fields private int customerID; private String accountName; private double balance; //constructor, takes 3 parameters public Customer(int id, String name, double bal) { customerID = id; accountName = name; balance = bal; } public void display() { System.out.println("Customer ID: " + customerID); System.out.println("Account Name: " + accountName); System.out.println("Balance: $" + balance); } }
The VIPCustomer class
public class VIPCustomer extends Customer { //fields double discountRate; //constructor, takes 4 parameters public VIPCustomer(int id, String name, double bal, double rate) { //Calling the parent class's constructor super(id, name, bal); discountRate = rate; } public void display() { //Calling the parent's class's sdisplay method. super.display(); System.out.println("Discount rate is " + discountRate ); } }
The TestCustmomers class to test the Inhertiance of the above two classes.
public class TestCustomers { public static void main(String[] args) { //Creating a customer and a vip customer Customer customer = new Customer(1001, "Nancy", 1000.23); VIPCustomer vipCustomer = new VIPCustomer(1002, "Jim", 3456.78, 0.15); //Calling the display methods to print the info. customer.display(); vipCustomer.display(); } }
The output of the TestCustomers class
Account Name: Nancy
Balance: $1000.23
Customer ID: 1002
Account Name: Jim
Balance: $3456.78
Discount rate is 0.15
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