Java parameter is pass by value

In Java, when a parameter is pass to a method, the parameter is passed by value. Here is an example that demonstrates parameters are passed by value in Java methods.

The Animal class

public class Animal {
        private String animal;
        public Animal(String a)
        public String getAnimal() {
                return animal;

        public void setAnimal(String animal) {
                this.animal = animal;
        public String toString()
                return "The animal is: " + this.getAnimal();

The PassByValueTest

public class PassByValueTest {
    /* Java is pass-by-value.
     * For primitives, you pass a copy of the actual value.
     * For reference of objects, you pass a copy of the reference.
    public static void main(String args[])
        Animal a = new Animal("Bird");
        //As expected, it will print the animal is Bird.

        // Now, it will print the animal is Dog because the object reference 
        // by a was changed in the method changeAminal.So, any other reference 
        // to this object will see the changes.");

        Animal b = new Animal("Bird");
        //As expected, it will print the animal is Bird.

        // Now, it will print the animal is Bird again, because the method 
        // changeReference changes the reference, so it's creating a new 
        // reference that points to a new object, the object referenced by 
        // the original reference is unchanged.");

        // x doens't change, because it copies the value to the 
        // changeInt method, the value in the method are separate 
        // from the original value."); 
        int x=3;
        System.out.println("x is: " + x);
        System.out.println("x is: " + x);


    public static void changeAnimal(Animal animal)
        //Copies the reference of animal to b, 
        //so now animal and b both pointing to the same object.
        Animal b = animal;

    public static void changeReference(Animal animal)
        Animal c = animal;
        c= new Animal("Cat");

    public static void changeInt(int y)
        int z=y;


The output:

    The animal is: Bird
    The animal is: Dog
    The animal is: Bird
    The animal is: Bird
    x is: 3
    x is: 3

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