Javascript calling function within the parent function

Calling public function in private and public functions.
[code language=”javascript”]
var greeting = function()

this.publicHello = function(){ console.log("Hello"); }

this.publicHello(); // calling the publicHello when this object is created

this.publicSayHello = function()
this.publicHello(); // calling the public function in public function
var _this = this;
function privateSayHello()
_this.publicHello(); // calling the public function in a private function

var g = new greeting(); // prints Hello
g.publicHello(); // prints Hello
g.publicSayHello(); // prints Hello
g.privateSayHello(); // Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘privateSayHello’

Calling private function in private and public functions.
[code language=”javascript”]
var greeting2 = function()

var privateHello = function(){ console.log("Hello"); }; // calling the privateHello when this object is created

this.publicSayHello = function()
{; // calling the private function in public function
function privateSayHello()
{; // calling the private function in a private function
}; // calling the privateSayHello when this object is created
var g = new greeting2(); // prints Hello Hello
g.publicSayHello(); // prints Hello


  • To call a public function, it needs to have the keyword this.
  • Public function can be called on the object after it is created.
  • To call a private function, it needs to be called by;
  • Private function cannot be called on the object after is is created, it can only be called with the function it was defined.
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