node.js mysql CRUD example

1. Install mysql.

sudo npm install mysql

2. Import mysql.

var mysql = require('mysql');

3. Create mysql connection pool object.

var pool =  mysql.createPool({
host : 'localhost',
user : 'root',
password: '',
database: 'test'

4. Create mysql query strings.

var createTable = "CREATE TABLE employee(id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,"+
	"name varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,"+
	"salary float(11) DEFAULT NULL,"+

var insertRecord = 'INSERT INTO employee(name,salary) VALUE(?,?)';

var readTable = 'SELECT * FROM employee';

var updateRecord = 'UPDATE employee SET salary = ? WHERE name=?';

var deleteRecord = 'DELETE FROM employee WHERE name=?';

var dropTable = 'DROP table employee';

5. Connect to the mysql database, create table, insert record, read table, update record, delete record, drop table.

pool.getConnection(function(err, connection){    
  //Create a table called employee
  connection.query(createTable,  function(err){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('Table created!');

  //Incsert a record.
  connection.query(insertRecord,['Joe',50000], function(err,res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('A new employee has been added.');

  //Read table.
  connection.query(readTable, function(err, rows){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {

  //Update a record.
  connection.query(updateRecord,[60000,'Joe'], function(err, res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('Increased the salary for Joe.');

  //Read table.
  connection.query(readTable, function(err, rows){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {

  //Delete a record.
  connection.query(deleteRecord,['Joe'], function(err, res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('An employee is removed.');

  //Drop a table.
  connection.query(dropTable, function(err, res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('The employee table is removed.');

  connection.release();//release the connection

6. All together in nodejs_mysql_crud.js

var mysql = require('mysql');
var pool =  mysql.createPool({
host : 'localhost',
user : 'root',
password: '',
database: 'test'

var createTable = "CREATE TABLE employee(id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,"+
	"name varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,"+
	"salary float(11) DEFAULT NULL,"+

var insertRecord = 'INSERT INTO employee(name,salary) VALUE(?,?)';

var readTable = 'SELECT * FROM employee';

var updateRecord = 'UPDATE employee SET salary = ? WHERE name=?';

var deleteRecord = 'DELETE FROM employee WHERE name=?';

var dropTable = 'DROP table employee';

pool.getConnection(function(err, connection){    
  //Create a table called employee
  connection.query(createTable,  function(err){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('Table created!');

  //Incsert a record.
  connection.query(insertRecord,['Joe',50000], function(err,res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('A new employee has been added.');

  //Read table.
  connection.query(readTable, function(err, rows){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {

  //Update a record.
  connection.query(updateRecord,[60000,'Joe'], function(err, res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('Increased the salary for Joe.');

  //Read table.
  connection.query(readTable, function(err, rows){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {

  //Delete a record.
  connection.query(deleteRecord,['Joe'], function(err, res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('An employee is removed.');

  //Drop a table.
  connection.query(dropTable, function(err, res){
  	if(err)	throw err;
  	else {
  		console.log('The employee table is removed.');

  connection.release();//release the connection

7. Run nodejs_mysql_crud.js

node nodejs_mysql_crud.js

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