Install, compile and run Kotlin from command line

Prerequsite: Kotlin runs on jvm, which means java runtime is required to run it.

Install sdkman from command line if it is not installed yet.

curl -s | bash

Install Kotlin using the command sdk from the command line.

sdk install kotlin

Create a new file hello.kt

fun main(args: Array) {
    println("Hello World!")

Compile the Kotlin code using the kotlin compiler.

kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar

Compile multiple Kotlin files. Put all the Kotlin files between kotlinc and -include-runtime, or use the wildcard (*.kt) to include all Kotlin files in the current directory. Only one Kotlin file should have the main() function, or you will get error when running the jar file in the next stop.

kotlinc greeting.kt hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar

Run the Kotlin code on jvm using the java command.

java -jar hello.jar

Create shortcut for compiling and running Kotlin program
Find out the Kotlin binary executables

which kotlin

Add the following to the ~/.bash_profile file, replace the bin path with yours using vim editor vim ~/.bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/yourmacosusername/.sdkman/candidates/kotlin/current/bin/
function kotlinr() {
  echo Compiling, please wait...
  kotlinc $1 -include-runtime -d out.jar
  java -jar out.jar

Apply the updates in the ~/.bash_profile file.

source ~/.bash_profile 

Now you can compile and run your Kotlin programs at at the same time like this:

kotlinr hello.kt

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