How to extend a controller class and overrides its functions in Magento
The below example demonstrates how to extend a controller class in Magento, and overrides its functions. The end result of this example will allow you to remove or add back the popup message “added to your shopping cart” when clicked add to cart button.
1. Create a file app/etc/MyExtensions_Checkout.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <MyExtensions_Checkout> <active>true</active> <codePool>local</codePool> <depends> <Mage_Checkout/> </depends> </MyExtensions_Checkout> </modules> </config>
2. Create a file app/code/local/MyExtensions/Checkout/etc/config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <modules> <MyExtensions_Checkout> <version>0.1.0</version> </MyExtensions_Checkout> </modules> <frontend> <routers> <checkout> <args> <modules> <MyExtensions_Checkout before="Mage_Checkout">MyExtensions_Checkout</MyExtensions_Checkout> </modules> </args> </checkout> </routers> </frontend> </config>
3. Create a file app/code/local/MyExtensions/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php
<?php require_once 'Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php'; class MyExtensions_Checkout_CartController extends Mage_Checkout_CartController { /** * Add product to shopping cart action * Overides the addAction() function from Mage_Checkout_CartController. */ public function addAction() { $cart = $this->_getCart(); $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); try { if (isset($params['qty'])) { $filter = new Zend_Filter_LocalizedToNormalized( array('locale' => Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode()) ); $params['qty'] = $filter->filter($params['qty']); } $product = $this->_initProduct(); $related = $this->getRequest()->getParam('related_product'); /** * Check product availability */ if (!$product) { $this->_goBack(); return; } $cart->addProduct($product, $params); if (!empty($related)) { $cart->addProductsByIds(explode(',', $related)); } $cart->save(); $this->_getSession()->setCartWasUpdated(true); /** * @todo remove wishlist observer processAddToCart */ Mage::dispatchEvent('checkout_cart_add_product_complete', array('product' => $product, 'request' => $this->getRequest(), 'response' => $this->getResponse()) ); if (!$this->_getSession()->getNoCartRedirect(true)) { //Remove the added to cart message by calling the isDisplayMsg() function with && logic operator if (!$cart->getQuote()->getHasError() && $this->isDisplayMsg()){ $message = $this->__('%s was added to your shopping cart.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($product->getName())); $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($message); } $this->_goBack(); } } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) { if ($this->_getSession()->getUseNotice(true)) { $this->_getSession()->addNotice(Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($e->getMessage())); } else { $messages = array_unique(explode("\n", $e->getMessage())); foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->_getSession()->addError(Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($message)); } } $url = $this->_getSession()->getRedirectUrl(true); if ($url) { $this->getResponse()->setRedirect($url); } else { $this->_redirectReferer(Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCartUrl()); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_getSession()->addException($e, $this->__('Cannot add the item to shopping cart.')); Mage::logException($e); $this->_goBack(); } } /*This function is just to show that besides we can overriding the exiting functions, but we can also add new functions. **In this case, we use this function to determine if we want to show the added to cart message. **true, display **false, don't display **/ public function isDisplayMsg() { return false; } }
You can modify the isDisplayMsg() to return true if you want to display the added to cart message, to return false if not.
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