Magento cache example

Here is an example of using Magento’s cache feature. It stores the data in a cache and respond with the cached data if the data is already cached. The cache can be removed if the param clean=yes. Install this example by creating these three files in the appropriate directory. Then go to the url http://localhost/magecacheexample?id=2, to clean the cached version of the data, go to the url http://localhost/magecacheexample?id=2&clean=yes. If the entire caches from var/cache/ are all cleared, this cache will also be cleared.

1. Module install configuration, app/etc/modules/MyExtensions_MageCacheExample.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

2. Module configuration, app/code/local/MyExtensions/MageCacheExample/etc/config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

3. Index controller, app/code/local/MyExtensions/MageCacheExample/controllers/indexController.php

class MyExtensions_MageCacheExample_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action {        
	const CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = 'cacheEx';

	//Main action
	//if the param id is null, respond with {message:"Please provide an id."}
	//if the id is not null, and the data is already stored in the cache, respond with the data from cache.
	//if the id is not null, and the data is not yet cache, create the data, save it to the cache and then respond with the data.
    public function indexAction() {

    	$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
    	$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
    	$clean = $this->getRequest()->getParam('clean');
    	$cache = Mage::app()->getCache();

    	if( !is_null($id) ) 

    		if($clean === "yes")
    			$cache->remove( self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $id );

    		$data = $cache->load( self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $id );
    		//get the data from cache if it's cached, else create the data and save it to the cache
    		if ( $data !== false )
    			echo "cached";
    			$this->getResponse()->setBody( $data );
    			$data = $this->createDummyData();
    			$cache->save( $data, self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $id, array('mage_cache_example'), 60*60*24*30); //set the cache for 30 days            
    			echo "not cached";
	            $this->getResponse()->setBody( $data );

            $this->getResponse()->setBody( '{message:"Please provide an id."}' );


    private function createDummyData() {
    	$arr = array();
		for($i=0; $i<100; $i++)
			for($j=0; $j<8000; $j++)
				$arr["top".$i][] = "second" . $j; 

		return json_encode($arr);


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