Magento: Get all attribute information of a category
A query that extracts all the attribute information of a category in Magento.
SELECT cce.*, ea.attribute_code, CASE ea.backend_type WHEN 'datetime' THEN cce_datetime.value WHEN 'decimal' THEN cce_decimal.value WHEN 'int' THEN cce_int.value WHEN 'text' THEN cce_text.value WHEN 'varchar' THEN cce_varchar.value ELSE NULL END AS value FROM catalog_category_entity AS cce LEFT JOIN eav_attribute AS ea ON cce.entity_type_id = ea.entity_type_id LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity_decimal AS cce_decimal ON cce.entity_id = cce_decimal.entity_id AND ea.attribute_id = cce_decimal.attribute_id AND ea.backend_type = 'decimal' LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity_datetime AS cce_datetime ON cce.entity_id = cce_datetime.entity_id AND ea.attribute_id = cce_datetime.attribute_id AND ea.backend_type = 'datetime' LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity_int AS cce_int ON cce.entity_id = cce_int.entity_id AND ea.attribute_id = cce_int.attribute_id AND ea.backend_type = 'int' LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity_text AS cce_text ON cce.entity_id = cce_text.entity_id AND ea.attribute_id = cce_text.attribute_id AND ea.backend_type = 'text' LEFT JOIN catalog_category_entity_varchar AS cce_varchar ON cce.entity_id = cce_varchar.entity_id AND ea.attribute_id = cce_varchar.attribute_id AND ea.backend_type = 'varchar' where cce.entity_id = 1;
A new category created in Magento will add a record in the table catalog_category_entity. The attribute information such as category name, url_key, url_path, thumbnail image, meta description, meta_keywords, etc are stored accordingly in tables catalog_category_entity_datetime, catalog_category_entity_decimal, catalog_category_entity_int, catalog_category_entity_text, and catalog_category_entity_varchar, depending onthe data type.
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