Magento: helloworld report page in the Admin report menu

To add a new page in Magento admin panel, at least 6 files are needed in a Magento module. 2 xml files, 1 template file, 1 block class, 1 admin controller class, and 1 helper class. Here is an example of adding a new menu item in the report drop down menu in Magento admin panel.

app/code/local/MyExtensions/Helloworld/etc/config.xml, blocks, hellpers, and admin router need to be defined.
[code language=”xml”]
<!– some other configurations, module version, frontend… –>
<helloworld before="Mage_Adminhtml">MyExtensions_Helloworld_Adminhtml</helloworld>
<!– some other configurations –>

app/code/local/MyExtensions/Helloworld/etc/adminhtml.xml, defines the helloworld menu item and it’s action to be app/code/local/MyExtensions/Helloworld/controllers/Adminhtml/HelloworldController.php
[code language=”xml”]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<helloworld_report translate="title" module="helloworld">
<title>Helloworld Report</title>

app/design/adminhtml/template/helloworld/adminhelloworld.phtml, the block template that renders the html contents.
[code language=”php”]
// $this @ MyExtensions_Helloworld_Block_Adminhtml_Adminhelloworld

app/code/local/MyExtensions/Helloworld/Helper/Data.php, module helper class.
[code language=”php”]
class MyExtensions_Helloworld_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract {


app/code/local/MyExtensions/Helloworld/Block/Adminhtml/Adminhelloworld.php, the admin helloworld block class for the block adminhelloworld.phtml
[code language=”php”]
class MyExtensions_Helloworld_Block_Adminhtml_Adminhelloworld extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template

public function helloAdmin()
echo "Hello Admin";

app/code/local/MyExtensions/Helloworld/controllers/Adminhtml/HelloworldController.php, the controller for the admin helloworld page
[code language=”php”]
class MyExtensions_Helloworld_Adminhtml_HelloworldController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
// Load layout.

// Set block and template to use for admin.
$this->_addContent( $this->getLayout()
->createBlock( ‘helloworld/adminhtml_adminhelloworld’ )
->setTemplate( ‘helloworld/adminhelloworld.phtml’ ) );

// Render layout.

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