Magento: stand alone php script that uses native magento functions
The Mage_Shell_Abstract class initializes the Mage app on object creation. By extending the Mage_Shell_Abstract in the the MageRoot/shell/abstract.php, you can write stand alone scripts that uses all the native Magento functions such as getting data by using the getModel function.
As an example, you can create a file MageRoot/shell/test.php
<?php require_once 'abstract.php'; class Mage_Shell_Test extends Mage_Shell_Abstract { public function run() { $this->catalogProduct(); $this->loadCustomer(); } public function loadCustomer() { $customer=Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load(2); //name and email is a field in the customer_entity table, getName() and getData are magic function you can use to get any field values of the model echo $customer->getName()."\n"; echo $customer->getData('email')."\n"; } public function catalogProduct() { $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(166); echo $_product->getData('name')."\n"; echo $_product->getFormatedPrice()."\n"; } } $shell = new Mage_Shell_Test(); $shell->run();
And run the script by cd to MageRoot/shell/ and issue this command or the script can also be triggered by a cron job.
php test.php
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