Python web server for GET and POST requests, this python file creates a basic web server that can respond to GET and POST requests. It uses BaseHTTPServer for the web server, urlparse to get the GET request parameters, and cgi for getting POST form data.
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from urlparse import parse_qs import cgi class GP(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def _set_headers(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() def do_HEAD(self): self._set_headers() def do_GET(self): self._set_headers() print self.path print parse_qs(self.path[2:]) self.wfile.write("Get Request Received!
") def do_POST(self): self._set_headers() form = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=self.rfile, headers=self.headers, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST'} ) print form.getvalue("foo") print form.getvalue("bin") self.wfile.write("POST Request Received!
") def run(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=GP, port=8088): server_address = ('', port) httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class) print 'Server running at localhost:8088...' httpd.serve_forever() run()
Start the python web server
Test the HEADER, GET and POST requests using curl
curl -I http://localhost:8088 curl 'http://localhost:8088?foo=bar&bin=go' curl -d "foo=bar&bin=go" http://localhost:8088
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