Change iPhone GPS location via Xcode

Step by step instructions for changing GPS location on a real iPhone device.

  1. Make sure you have an Apple ID, it is the Apple account you would need for download and install apps on your iPhone.
  2. Make sure you have a Mac OS.
  3. Make sure you have Xcode downloaded and installed on your Mac OS.
  4. Open Xcode
  5. Create a new IOS project and install it on your iPhone.
  6. Create a GPX file in Xcode, File -> New -> File -> Type GPX -> Select GPX -> Next -> Save as MyCustomLocation -> Create, it will create a GPX file with default location set to Cupertino
  7. Go to Xcode top menu bar -> Debug -> Simulate Location -> MyCustomLocation
  8. Open the map app on your iPhone, and your current location should show you are in Cupertino
  9. To change to another location, update the coordinates in the GPX file with a desired coordinates, save the changes, then go to top menu bar in Xcode, select Debug -> Simulate Location -> MyCustomLocation

Here is the default GPX file when it is created within Xcode.


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