Change iPhone GPS location via Xcode
Step by step instructions for changing GPS location on a real iPhone device.
- Make sure you have an Apple ID, it is the Apple account you would need for download and install apps on your iPhone.
- Make sure you have a Mac OS.
- Make sure you have Xcode downloaded and installed on your Mac OS.
- Open Xcode
- Create a new IOS project and install it on your iPhone.
- Create a GPX file in Xcode, File -> New -> File -> Type GPX -> Select GPX -> Next -> Save as MyCustomLocation -> Create, it will create a GPX file with default location set to Cupertino
- Go to Xcode top menu bar -> Debug -> Simulate Location -> MyCustomLocation
- Open the map app on your iPhone, and your current location should show you are in Cupertino
- To change to another location, update the coordinates in the GPX file with a desired coordinates, save the changes, then go to top menu bar in Xcode, select Debug -> Simulate Location -> MyCustomLocation
Here is the default GPX file when it is created within Xcode.
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