Unit testing read file with Promise and nodeunit
This post will demonstrate a sample usage of using unit testing framework nodeunit to test a Promise function for reading file content.
1. Install nodeunit if you don’t have it installed yet.
npm install nodeunit -g
2. Create a project folder my_project and a test folder inside it
mkdir my_project mkdir my_project/test
3. Create my_project/filereader.js with the following code
var fs = require('fs'); exports.readFile = function (filePath) { if (!filePath) throw "file path is required"; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; resolve(data); }); }); }
4. Create the test file for testing the filereader, my_project/test/test_filereader.js with the following content.
var fs = require('fs'); var fileReader = require('../filereader'); var testFilePath = __dirname + "/../a_file_with_some_content.txt"; module.exports = { setUp: function (cb) { console.log("setUp"); return cb(); }, tearDown: function (cb) { console.log("tearDown"); return cb(); }, 'test read file': function(test) { test.expect(2); test.throws(() => {fileReader.readFile();}); testFileContent = fs.readFileSync(testFilePath, "utf8"); fileReader.readFile(testFilePath) .then((content) => { test.equal(content, testFileContent); test.done(); }) .catch(console.log); }, "another dummy test": function(test) { test.equal(1,1); test.done(); } };
5. Create my_project/a_file_with_some_content.txt with some content it, any content would work.
6. Run the test from the command line in the my_project folder
nodeunit test
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