Mac zip encrypt file with password
Colored git directory path in zsh prompt on Mac m1
Set up SSH on macOS for bitbucket
Apache server debug commands cheat sheet for mac
Unsupported redo log format (0). The redo log was created before MySQL 5.7.9
Travis decrypt encrypted secure environment variables
zsh z shell getting started on mac os
Trusting self signed ssl certificate in Android
Nginx serving static media video files
Disable TLS1.0 on Nginx
Link domain name to compute engine instance ip address
Nodejs Nginx with http and https on Compute engine
Setting up a nodejs app on gcloud compute engine
Set default git user for different project directories
Google cloud platform gcloud command cheatsheet
includeIf for creating different git identities
base64 encode and decode in terminal on MAC
Post request with a json using curl on command line
Install redis on amazon aws ec2 instance
Setting up a node js website on aws ec2 instance
SSH set up for git on Mac OS
Pushing a new git repo from local to remote
unpacking compressed files in .zip .tar and .tar.gz from command line
command line cursor movement shortcuts
Installing drupal on Mac with Apache and MySQL
Installing apache 2.4, mysql and php5.6 on Mac
create chroot sftp server in linux with ssh key connection
create chroot sftp server in linux
memory usage commands in linux
disk space usage commands
unzip multiple zip files at once
mysql tunnelling over ssh
build node and npm on linux from git repo
move collection between databases in mongodb
mongodb building a sharded environment
mongodb authentication setting
installing multiple instances of mongodb
keyboard shortcuts for moving cursor on command line
screen command on nix systems
Redirect port 80 to port 8080 on linux server
Split file and combine files on command line
Whitelist IP addresses from Tomcat valve’s remote address filter
The most common HTTP status errors
Installing tomcat on linux
Configure Apache SSL for https on Mac OS
Install Redis and set multiple Redis instances on Mac OS
Clear cache in memcache
keep program running after logout in linux
reset the System Management Controller on Mac
Software release management with git
Mac OS keyboard shortcuts
convert ^M line break to a normal line break in vim
.htaccess redirect a subdomain to a main domain
create ssh rsa key files and use them for authentication
file compression and archiving: zip, unzip, bzip2, and tar
install php mcrypt on apache server on Mac and Ubuntu
show current working git branch on command line with color
Finding IP address on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix and smartphone devices
password protect the website running on nginx php fpm
scp examples of transferring files
git command cheatsheet
Git: Working on many different branches/projects within one file directory
Migrating svn repository to git repository
connect a computer to another computer with internet connection through ethernet cable for internect connection.
the tool for installing software on linux
windows task scheduler: the cron for windows
using windows batch file to start programs on windows
cron syntax and examples on Linux
setting up cron job on Ubuntu
finding files on lunix using the find command and grep
DNS config files, Zone file example and DNS Resource Types
installing Ubuntu on Virtual Box
file ownerships and file permisions on Linux and unix like systems
user and group management commands in linux
transfer files between remote server and your Windows OS using putty’s pscp
make your localhost web application available over the internet
DNS debugging tools
How to find the ip address of a website?
update php web applications on a production server
How to hide your own ip address while surfing on the web
host file to block websites in Windows, Mac and Linux